Rare Gifts Holland Gallery

Wedding Gifts - Anniversary
Births - Christening gifts ...

Wedding Gifts - Anniversary - Births - Christening gifts.. A rare gift for any special occassion.

Customer Testimonials

Read what our satisfied customers say about us!

"They have arrived safely and are perfect" Frank from USA 2013.

"It looks fabulous, thanks very much!!" Maria from Taunton 2013.

“Both plates have now arrived safely. Very happy with the plates themselves so many thanks” David from London 2013.

“I am thrilled with the plate. Thank you again for your kindness and I am recommending you to all“ Liz from Shetland 2013.

“My daughter has returned from a visit to the UK and has brought my plate with her. Thank you - I am very impressed with the plate and it is already on the wall among my other blue & white china plates” Sandra from Cape Town 2013.

“Thank You, I'm very happy with the wedding plate. It's fabulous and I'm sure the couple will really love it :0) Best wishes.." Kathleen from Ireland 2012.

“We have just received this and it is perfect" Charlotte from Saffron Walden 2012.

"Thank you very much for my commemorative plate which arrived at my daughters last Saturday. She was very pleased with it." Anita from LLandudno 2012.

"Many thanks, the plate has arrived safely and is delightful. My son is thrilled with it." Carol from Cheam 2012.

"Thanks Genevieve, the plate is fabulous!" Anna from Manchester 2012.